Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Week One

Our first week went so much better than we had expected! I thought that the kids would fight me on coming to do "school", or that they wouldn't want to stop playing, but it's been quite the contrary! They're so excited to start in the mornings, and when we're finished for the day they're usually asking for more.

So far, we've been doing phonics/language arts, numbers/math, health, Bible, and our weekly study (which usually has science and social studies wrapped up into it), and colours and shapes for Rylan. Once we get phonics down, I plan to add in some basic French.

This past week we learned the letters A and B (uppercase), circles, the number 1, and the colour red. Initially we had planned on one letter per week, but the kids just ran with it. We talked about germs, and our theme was Seasons.

Our Bible lessons were about "Who God Is".

I cut out paper dolls for the kids (using my Cricut and the Paper Dolls cartridge) and we created clothes for them for each season, which we attached with velcro so they could change them easily. Here are our dolls dressed for summer!

For our Unit theme, we created mini books, with a page for each season.

When we were finished learning about germs, we made these badges:

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