Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I've seen those onesies that say "My Mom Doesn't Want Your Advice" and I always got a chuckle out of them, but I think I need one that says "My Mom Doesn't Want Your Opinion" or better yet, "Mind Your Own Business". Since we're not really "mainstream" we are constantly being given opinions on our parenting decisions.

We co-sleep and are constantly told "You know, that causes SIDS right? Why would you do that?"

I babywear and I hear "You're going to ruin their independence".

We don't vaccinate and people act like we're trying to harm our children.

I'm a stay-at-home Mom and people either think I'm lazy (ha!) or tell me that they could never be around their children that much (really?!).

When people discover that we cloth diaper, we get a lot of "That can't be sanitary!" and "How can you touch that?!"

We're having another baby and we're constantly asked "Don't you think it's too soon?!" Well obviously not! And, "When are you going to stop?!" Well, when we're good and ready to stop! And my favourite thus far, "You're stealing Sophia's babyhood!"

We decided to homeschool and had even more opinions thrown at me. "You're sheltering them!" At their age, tell me, is that really so terrible? "They won't know what the real world if they've never experienced playground 'teasing'!" Seriously? So, I should let them be beat around so they have practice? "You don't have a teaching degree!" And? I have a high school education and 2 years of university, I think I can handle it just fine! Besides, I'm their mother and no one is better suited to teach my children than I am. I taught them to walk and talk, but I can't teach them to read and write? Hm. Thanks for letting me know.

And my all-time favourite- "They'll be antisocial!" Really? Who decided that "socialization" happens when 30 people all born within 12 months of each other are placed in a room for 7 hours/day? And really, there isn't much time for socialization at school anyway, aside from recess. My children are able/will be able to interact with people of all ages, not just their own. They will learn socialization through real life experiences, and extra curricular activities that they actually enjoy!

Fact is, none of this is anyone's concern, aside from ours. And frankly, they can all think what they like. We are doing what we choose to do because it's what we believe is the best fit for our family, OUR children. That is a parent's number one job on this Earth, to care for and nurture our children to the absolute best of our abilities in the hopes that they will grow and mature into happy, responsible adults. And in my opinion, there is no more rewarding job on Earth.

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