Thursday, April 19, 2012


Another thing that helps me keep everything "managed" and in order it a routine. If I didn't have some sort of a routine to rely on, I wouldn't be able to survive. So far, our daily routine looks something like this:
Between 7 and 8- Wake up and have breakfast.
Between 8 and 9:30- Playtime for the kids, they're full of energy this early in the morning and it gives Mommy time to have a cup of coffee, unload the dishwasher, get things ready for school, etc.
9:30 to 10- Get dressed, brush teeth and hair, and make beds,
10- Snack time, then we start school. We do the most pressing subjects first- Phonics, Numbers/Math, and Bible. If they're still focused we will move on, otherwise we take a short break.
11:30 We're usually finishing up about this time and the kids run off to play while Mommy makes lunch.
Noon- Lunch time, chores.
1-2:30- Sophia (9 months) and Rylan (3) usually go for a nap about this time, and Alyssa has quiet time to look at books, colour/draw, or whatever quiet activity she chooses- sometimes she ends up falling asleep on the couch. I use this time to do any deep cleaning that needs to be done that day (and to check in online of course!).
2:30- Rylan usually wakes up about this time and they have a snack. Then it's playtime, if it's nice they normally play in the backyard. Mommy uses this time to start supper, unless it's a crock pot night.
4:30- Daddy i home from work (day shift) and we have supper. Then I clean up while the kids finish their chores.
6- The kids are usually asking for school by this point, so Daddy will do some practice work with them.
6:30-7:30- Family time- sometimes it's a game, crafts, a movie- just depends on the night. Movies are usually for nights when Daddy doesn't have to work the next day.
7:30- Bedtime routine starts. Showers (every second night), brush teeth, then snack.
8- Into bed for storytime and prayers.
8:15- Shower for me.
8:45- If I have any projects/orders on the go, I work on them now. Otherwise, this is my time alone with hubby.
10:30-11- Bedtime for us.

Of course, this is just a general outline of a typical day, and since hubby works shift work, some things are moved around when he is working nights.

In my opinion, a schedule needs to be strict enough that you don't just cast it aside because you feel like it, but it also needs enough flexibility that if something comes up to throw it off, you're not stressing out about it.

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