Sunday, May 13, 2012

Review Week 6

This past week we spent Monday-Wednesday learning the letter J, and Thursday and Friday reviewing all of our letters so far. We also learned the number 9, and practiced counting to 15. Rylan finished up all of his shapes and knows them perfectly, he's still having a little trouble with the difference between black and brown, but I believe that's normal.

Our health lesson was manners, and our weekly study was all about fish. We also learned about David and Goliath.

We talked about where fish live, what they eat, how they breath, and their body parts. The kids made this pictures after pointing out all of their parts:
As a bonus, they got to practice their cutting and gluing skills!
Then we made our manners mini-books, the kids loved the idea of creating their very own book and were so excited to show Daddy when he came home from work! I printed the pages from this blog that I found when I googled "manners mini book".

After reading and talking about David and Goliath all week, we went "stone picking" for 5 small, smooth stones. Then we cut circles from felt, mommy punched some holes around the edges and the kiddos were able to "sew" a pouch for their stones.

And for good measure, a shot of all three of my babies spending some time playing together, I love catching moments like this!

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